Welcome to our blog!

Every month, we will be uploading a new post to keep our followers and customers updated on what is happening in the world of District Taco!

To kick things off, we hope that everyone had a wonderful and enjoyable Thanksgiving! Now many of you probably saw the crazy fights that took place on Black Friday, right? 

Well instead of dealing with the madness of the mall, the District Taco team spent their Friday doing something very special.

We believe that it's important to give back to the community. All families and individuals should be able to celebrate the holiday, no matter their situation. 

Last year, we started the tradition of making turkey burritos for the less fortunate. We made and distributed 200 in 2014. 

This year, we made over 300 turkey burritos!

The DT team drove, walked, and even biked all throughout Washington D.C. and gave burritos to the homeless.

Our team had so much fun and we can't wait to continue this tradition next year!

We hope to become more involved in different aspects of the community so stay tuned for more news!

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