Crunching numbers, recording phone messages, meeting with vendors. Daniel Pierce is a man of many hats. Under the title "Operations Manager", Pierce is DT's man with a plan when it comes to solving the many challenges a growing company faces.
He is a also the perfect example of the opportunities available for all of our employees as his career began behind the register during the lunch rush at our Metro Center location.
"I came in as a cashier in October 2013 and I've stuck with District Taco since," says Pierce.
His work ethic did not go unnoticed as Pierce was eventually promoted to Assistant Manager.
"I had already proven that I was eager to work. I was one of those employees who if an extra shift opened up or if they needed somebody to work a double I would always jump on the opportunity," says Pierce. "I think that my supervisors recognized that."
Soon after, he was invited to dinner by the CEO, Osiris Hoil, himself to be offered a job in the corporate office. Pierce dabbled in the catering department, customer service, and fundraising before landing in his current position.
Pierce wants all of District Taco's current and future employees to understand that the ladder is there for them to climb if they are willing to work hard and prove themselves. He also hopes that DT employees will draw inspiration from CEO, Osiris Hoil's humble beginnings.
"Osiris came from having limited opportunities for himself and he wants to be able to create opportunities for other people," says Pierce.
District Taco wants employees and customers to never give up on their dreams and to continue to represent the morals we are based on. Work hard and follow your dreams amigos!
If you're interested in a career with District Taco, visit our careers page or send your resume to careers@districttaco.com.